Got a crush on that lively person you saw at last night’s party? When it comes to rave girls, a small crush can turn into just about anything, from getting ghosted to falling into a life-changing romance.

If you’re new to the world of rave girls, there are a few things you ought to know. Most you’ll pick up along the way, but some tips are here for you to get started:

1. **Respect Her Freedom:** Rave culture isn’t just about funky outfits and unusual dance moves; it deeply values freedom of choice, self-expression, and a free spirit. You can’t hold back a girl who embodies this, and trying to do so would be a huge mistake. If you’re in, be all in. Embrace the wild side, get lost in the moment, and share her sense of freedom. Expecting her to stay at home and knit while you read the newspaper? You might want to find another partner.

2. **Get to Know the Crew:** No matter how cool romantic connections like crushes and love stories seem, her crew will always be something special. For a rave girl, her group of friends is like family. They share the best memories, along with similar tastes in life and music. If you want to stick around, you’d better mingle with her friends.

3. **Cherish the Outfits:** For a rave girl, festival wear is a big deal. She’ll spend hours hunting for the perfect attire and love every moment. Two things to remember: let her have her fun with it, and never make rude remarks about her outfit choices.

4. **Save Your Jealousy:** Yes, rave girls can attract attention. But it’s best to stay calm about it. Jealousy and attempts to control her will only push her away.

5. **Get Ready for All the Parties and Afterparties:** Partying is likely a huge part of her life. You can join in and make unforgettable memories with her or miss out while she has fun without you. Be prepared to go from warm-up parties to the main event, and then dive straight into afterparties.

6. **Embrace a Little Cosplay:** She’s alternative, and that’s likely what attracted you. Get used to seeing her explore different characters and experiences because many ravers also love cosplay.

7. **Update Your Playlist:** Get ready for a musical journey with her: her tastes are eclectic, edgy, and vibrant. Embrace this, and avoid faking your interest.

8. **Learn to Love a Bit of Weirdness:** Rave girls can be quirky most of the time. They have unique tastes in books, music, movies, and how they express themselves. Appreciate this quirkiness because it’s what makes life interesting.

9. **Be Genuine:** Rave girls are highly perceptive and can sense dishonesty. Be straightforward and sincere; they’d rather face the truth than deal with any deception.

Feeling more prepared for a rave-infused romance? Keep learning about the culture and join in on the fun!